Lisa Andreasen's journey to the Boston Cow Parade.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Day 4 - April 8, 2006

Originally uploaded by Lisa Andreasen.
This is by far the most challenging surface I have ever drawn on. The curves and crevaces are very intersting. I have to reinvent my approach at each new section. Do I have to lay on the floor, lean over the cow from the other side, wrap my arm around the horn? What an adventure.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Day 3 - April 4, 2006

Originally uploaded by Lisa Andreasen.
I had an audience tonight. I headed straight to the "studio," aka my parents' basement from work, rather than going home. I was reminded of my days of working on art projects in high school, with one or both of them over my shoulder wondering how far I had gotten. They walk that fine line of interested doting parent, and get out of my light! It really was fun to hang out, chat, and listen as the watched American Idol.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Day 2 - April 2, 2006

Originally uploaded by Lisa Andreasen.
It's growing! I made some good headway today while Jesse (my husband) played his guitar. Or rather serenaded me while I painted... with everything from heavy metal to soft acoustic riffs. He packed up a bunch of gear to bring along so he could play while I worked. We are quite the pair, visual artist and musician! It was such a blessing to hear him play and each do what what we love doing at the same time.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Day 1 - April 1, 2006

Originally uploaded by Lisa Andreasen.
End of Day 1. After 2 hours of drawing.


Originally uploaded by Lisa Andreasen.
We begin day 1.


Originally uploaded by Lisa Andreasen.
I will chronicle the progress by actual days of drawing, starting with the pickup at ground zero. Check out my photo page for more images of unwrapping Opticow.

A project like this is rarely a one person job. I want to thank a few key players so far...

My friend Sonciary drove me to Boston in her husband's pickup, while both our husbands were at a Dreamtheater concert. We had a blast, driving through security and into a building to get the cow. Thank you Sonciary!

My parents offered their garage as studio space, since our apartment is at the top of 2 flights of very narrow stairs. I can just imagine working on it in our kitchen. he he he. My mom and I ended up rearranging their basement to make a more comfortable work space. Thanks mom and dad.

And of course my husband, Jesse. Thank you for supporting me in this adventure and for laughing with me at the absurdity of painting a life-size cow.


Originally uploaded by Lisa Andreasen.
These doodles, I call them warped plane drawings, began in high school, and have found their way onto many surfaces including sketchbooks, class notes, and even the walls at my office. There are two walls in the Rumbletree kitchen covered in drawings. They are a collaborative work of the genius that appears during the downtime of a number of my co-workers.

Now they will find a new canvas on a life-size fibreglass cow!


I have set up 2 ways to follow the progress of OPTICOW ILLUSION, this blog, and my FLICKR account for more details photographs. My tripod is set up to take a series of photos from the same spot, so viewing the FLICKR slideshow is a neat way to follow along. I invite you to check it out. The links are in the sidebar on the right.

This illustration was the drawing submitted with my application to the Boston Cow parade. For more info, check out the link in the sidebar.

I am so excited to have the opportunity to paint a cow for the Cow Parade. It is such a great event. It provides a great canvas for the art community, is a great community event, and raises money for charity all at the same time.