Lisa Andreasen's journey to the Boston Cow Parade.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Drop Off

Jesse and I drove Opticow to Boston yesterday and introduced her to her new caretakers. It was sad to see her go, but she is in good hands. Everyone at the Jimmy Fund and The Cow Parade have been so friendly and helpful with pickup, drop off and any questions in between. Thanks! It was quite and ordeal to get down there. I don't recommend driving through Boston in a huge pickup truck in the pouring rain, but it was quite an adventure, and it gave us a wonderful opportunity to meet up with friends for lunch. It's a good thing that she's coated so well (thanks to my dad who pitched in for multiple coats of automotive spray and buffing) We also saw many of the cows that had been dropped off and they look great! I can't wait to see them all out to pasture.


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