Lisa Andreasen's journey to the Boston Cow Parade.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Day 11 - April 23

Originally uploaded by Lisa Andreasen.
After 11 days of working, approximately 40 hours of work it may appear that the end is near, but there's quite a bit of work to do! There are large sections left on the belly, buttox, and udders of "OC," as my mom calls the cow. I'm hoping another two painting session will wrap up the drawing. Then we'll move onto varnishing. Mooooo!

I'm still awaiting my drop off date. So until then, if any of you want to drop by while I'm working, just let me know, and I'll be glad to let you know when i"m in the "studio," couch, er, I mean, mom and dad's basement.


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